Some people 'Just don't get it'

Never have and never will, but that doesn't stop them from spouting their nonsense.

Iraq and the Neocons: The Sequel
Neocons and elite media personalities who got everything wrong on Iraq now darken my TV screen telling me to ignore the invasion, the eight-year occupation, the lies about weapons of mass destruction, "mushroom clouds" becoming "smoking guns," the torture at Abu Ghraib prison and everything else, and pretend the war started with General David Petraeus's miraculous "surge" where everything was wonderful in Iraq until the "dove" Obama pulled the plug. It's a nice narrative if your goal is partisan advantage, but like so much else we've heard from policy elites regarding Iraq, it has nothing to do with reality.

Can you imagine how much worse the already terrible situation would be if Obama had armed the Syrians, as the chicken hawks wanted. Those weapons would now be used against Iraq. AND, if he'd followed the chicken hawks advice and bombed Iran, cuz they were developing nuclear power, the entire area would be in flames. I'm sure the Pubs would be loving it, cuz they could jump into ANOTHER' unwinnable war, as they love to do.


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