Good news, bad news,

as Eric Cantor was defeated by ultra-rightwinger David Brat, even though Cantor was Majority leader and outspent Brat 25-1. The good news? If the Pubs continue down this road, as it looks like they will, they will be totally unelectable in 2016. The bad news? In the interem, we're gonna see even more gridlock in Washington, as Cantor was one of the FEW Pubs who would even consider negotiation/compromise, and we see what happened to him. The Republican Party is a dinosaur, on it's last legs, BUT causing a huge mess in it's death throes, as the Tea Party has hijacked a once proud, logical political organization.


"The results tonight will move the party further to the right, which will marginalize us further as a national party."

REPRESENTATIVE PETER KING, Republican of New York, on the House majority leader's defeat in a Virginia primary.


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