In their ongoing crusade,

to provide the sheep with 'Fair and Balanced' news, Bullshit Mountain, ( sandwiched between the thousands of Benghazi stories ), is running interviews with a rape victim, whose rapist was successfully defended by Hillary (cuz that's what lawyers are paid to do), back in 1975. That's right, FOX is dredging up anti-Hillary stuff, from 1975, in their on-going efforts to elect Pubs, at all costs. This crap makes sense to the sheep, and that's their audience, but, the rest of us look at their crap and say, 'Are you serious'? FOX news, what a joke. Just not funny anymore, in their blatant Pro-Repub propaganda. Oops sorry, I've been reminded recently that FOX just 'leans right' a bit. Life must be tough with a brain that processes information in that way.


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