Whenever I wonder,

how stupid people can be, all I gotta do is watch FOX, where I see 'The Dick' Cheney explaining to the sheep how bad Obama's foreign policy is. The main architect of the disastrous war he and the Bushies lied us into, promising WMD's, NOT over a hundred thousand troops being needed, and being greeted as liberators, who now can't travel the world cuz he'd be locked up as a war criminal, is Bullshit Mountain's X-Spurt on foreign relations. 'The Dick' has found an audience of  'Dick'heads, with no memory of history, who'll agree with him, as long as he's virulently anti-Obama, who's been stuck with cleaning up their mess. Unbelievable and sad, but true, in the Bizarro world of FOX news, where the sheep never let a few 'facts' get in the way of their opinions.
George W. Bush may well have been a disaster of a president (in a 2010 Siena College Research Institute survey, 238 presidential scholars ranked Bush among the five “worst ever” presidents in American history), but at least he has the dignity and grace — or shame and humility — to recede from public life with his family and his painting, and not chide and meddle with the current administration as it tries to right his wrong.
Mr. Cheney, meanwhile, is still trying to bend history toward an exoneration of his guilt and an expunging of his record. But history, on this, is stiff, and his record is written in blood.


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