The US finally arrested a Benghazi suspect,

after FOX/Pubs (one and the same) bitched there had been no arrests, and he is now on a 'slow boat' being interrogated as he gets closer to the US and a trial. Does Bullshit Mountain back off a bit and give some credit? OF COURSE NOT. The ALL Anti-Dem/Obama, ALL THE TIME network does nothing but denigrate the capture, saying they know more, (don't they always?) and he was 'easy'. Same old shit from the same d-bags. Don't do something and they bitch, and DO something and they bitch more. The Party of NO won't let any legislation to help create jobs past the House, no matter how necessary infrastructure repair is, BUT, when the prez goes around them to create jobs and nec repairs, they plan to SUE him which can go NOWHERE, cuz the Dem controlled Senate has to approve it, BUT that doesn't stop the numbnuts, just like when they voted to defund Obamacare OVER FIFTY times, knowing it was useless. What a bunch of clowns, who can now claim 'We're finally DOING something. We're suing the president'. What a joke, from the usual suspects, as FOX continues to run comment from 'The Dick' Cheney, criticizing foreign policy (cuz HE'S such an expert) and interviews one of Hillary's disgruntled legal 'victims', from 1975. YES, from 39 years ago, and the sheep lap it up. Talk about 'Fair and Balanced'.


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