Ever since Harry S Truman,

Presidents and VP's have been retiring with pensions, cuz that's just the way it is. No Big Deal, unless you're FOX News, where they bitch about 'all things Dem'. Seems Bullshit Mountain doesn't think Joe Biden oughta be 'living off the taxpayers' (from today's headlines) when he retires. FOX is always full of bullshit, but when they go off on the VP getting a pension, you gotta wonder. Unless you're a sheep that is, then it makes perfect sense, after they've been all over Hillary cuz she said they owed more $ than they had when they left the White House. Seems it took millions to defend themselves from the 'Whitewater Witchhunt'  that went on for years, until Ken Star finally found the Monica story. Then, all of a sudden, a blowjob is the worst thing that's ever happened in America. WAY worse than starting a war based on lies. What a bunch of bullshit, that was 'worst ever' until Benghazi. Now, that's the new 'worst ever'. Iraq, at a cost of trillions and hundreds of thousands of casualties? No Big Deal, on Bullshit Mountain. Hey, everyone makes mistakes. Unless you're a Dem, then it's always 'the worst ever'. Am SO tired of their crap, as they'll say/do anything to return Pubs to 'the scene of the crime'.


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