Rick Santelli, the right-wing-nut on CNBC,

who got his 15 minutes of fame a few years ago by going on a screaming rant, claiming Obama was gonna 'wreck the economy, with inflation', while completely ignoring the FACTS, that GW and the Pubs ACTUALLY wrecked the economy and Obama is still trying to 'fix' it, is still spouting his bullshit, on a regular basis, 5 years after being proven wrong EVERY day/week/month/year it doesn't happen. Today he had another of his X-Spurt guests, whom he always introduces as 'REALLY SMART, cuz they agree with him. When faced with the gov't stats that proved them wrong, AGAIN, they laughed it off, saying 'you can't believe govt employees, cuz you can't fire them'. Then, when faced with bond yields, where real money proves them REALLY wrong, every day, they claimed, 'Money managers are just as stupid as govt employees'. This is what passes for 'wisdom' in the right-wing-nut world of 'Oooops, wrong again, but ain't gonna admit it'. Nothing new here, as the sheep eat it up.


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