Am not usually a big Russell Brand fan,

but he had some good points when he ripped into FOXNews contributor Jeanine Pirro, for advancing the FOX/Pub plan of 'bombing, bombing and more bombing'.
In a video posted Tuesday on YouTube, British comedian Russell Brand called Fox News network “fanatical, terrorist, propagandist” and ripped into host Judge Jeanine Pirro for her emotionally-charged commentary regarding the crisis in Iraq and President Obama’s refusal to order sustained airstrikes.
On her Fox News program over the weekend, Pirro stated that the solution to the recent violence by the ISIS terrorist ‘army’ was to “bomb them” and “keep bombing them, and bomb them, and again.”
“When they do these bombings, it creates more insurgents, that’s what creates them,” Brand insisted. “Don’t think of a bomb as going down there and destroying stuff, think of it as like a seed that goes into the ground, and grows insurgents out of it, it creates more terrorism, doing it.”

Most Pubs I know, never leave their couch, (let alone the country), and don't understand world resentment to the US, after Viet Nam and Iraq, where swagger and arrogance, coupled with 'shock and awe' isn't appreciated on the world stage, esp after basing attacks on easily proven lies.
Nothing new here, but it makes the chicken hawks feel real 'tough', as they sit on their asses, while advocating 'more bombs'.


Anonymous said…
That was a great interview!

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