Not always a huge fan

of Harry Reid, but he was 'right on' when he responded to 'The Dick' Cheney, who is giving advice to the Obama administration, through FOX news, although Cheney can't travel much of the world, cuz he'd be (rightfully) jailed for being a war criminal. 'The Dick', who is the person MOST responsible for the HUGE mess in Iraq, after he and the Bushies started an illegal war, based on lies, that cost trillions, had hundreds of thousands of casualties and totally destabilized that part of the world, is now bitching cuz Obama isn't following his advice.

Reid did not mince words in his response, describing Wolfowitz’s critiques of Obama’s Iraq policy as “bizarre” and clarifying that he was talking about “Billy” Kristol the writer, “not the comedian” Billy Crystal. But he saved his strongest broadside for the Cheneys.
“If there is one thing that this country does not need, it’s that we should be taking advice from Dick Cheney on wars. Being on the wrong side of Dick Cheney is to be on the right side of history,”

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