As war returns to Iraq,

after the Bushies totally wrecked the govt and infrastructure, we see the Shiites and Sunnis at it again, as they have been for over 2500 years. Hopefully, Obama will keep the US out, although the chicken hawks of the GOP, who've never met a war they didn't like, urge him to jump back into the morass they created, when GW and The Dick paid some of their buddies to wreck the country, and others to rebuild it, with HUGE 'no-bid' contracts. Surprise! The price of oil (the Bush family business) went up over a thousand per cent, while Haliburton stock and profits went 'off the chart'. The obvious solution would be to divide the country into it's 3 major religious/geographical areas, with the Kurds taking the north, the Sunnis the west and the Shiites in the south. They'll still fight, cuz that's what religious fanatics do, be we don't need to get sucked into it, no matter what FOX and the Pubs (one and the same) would love to see. It's gives them justification for the HUGE, bloated military they love to fund.


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