In a 'Nutshell', it's easy to see,

the Pub 'disconnect from reality', as you read what one of their candidates has to say about the national debt, and local jobs. This all makes sense, until you remove your head from your ass, which the sheep seldom do.
GAUTIER, Miss. (AP) — Republican primary challenger Chris McDaniel puts the nation's $17 trillion debt at the center of his bid to represent Mississippi in the Senate, bashing six-term Sen. Thad Cochran as a profligate spender who has contributed to a problem that McDaniel considers "immoral."
At the same time, the potential tea party hero pledges support for Mississippi's military installations, defense contractors and public education system — all of which depend on hundreds of millions of federal dollars.
"We have to put aside some of our personal interests if we're going to save this republic," McDaniel told voters at a recent campaign stop on the state's Gulf Coast, then added, "I'm going to fight for the shipyards and our military."

This is from a typical Red State, that sucks up tax dollars at a MUCH higher rate than the Blue States who pay their bills. Don't believe it? Look it up, and you'll see the top Payers are all blue, and the top Takers are all Red. Nothing new here, but if you listen and believe Bullshit Mountain, you're sure it's just the opposite.


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