While admitting 'I could go either way',

in the Colorado Guv race, I don't have that problem when it comes to Dems vs Pubs. There are MANY gray areas in politics, and when I take 'Are You a Conservative or Liberal?' written tests, I find that I am approx 10% more Lib (60% to 40%) than Con. However, there are some areas that are OBVIOUS when it comes to which political party makes more sense. Pubs claim sexuality is a choice and gays can be 'cured'. Remember when you had to choose? Didn't think so. Pubs claim climate change is a hoax. It's not a hoax, but they ARE a joke for fighting over 97% of Climatologists. Pubs claim 'Corporations Are People' and votes and politicians should be for sale to multi-billionaires like the Koch Bros. That's total bullshit. Also, the Pubs love to start wars, like Iraq, not caring about human consequences. That is SO wrong on so many levels. And, the Pubs would rather 'shut it down' when dealing with govt issues, hurting the 'little people', rather than compromise and negotiate, which has always been the basis for good govt. For those reasons, if no others, I am firmly ANTI-Repub, even though I'm not exactly PRO-Dem. Really easy decision when you look at the facts....


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