In the fantasy world of FOX and the Pubs,

(one and the same), they are now rewriting history, and in their strange world, Obama has 'blown it', after the Bushies invaded Iraq, to 'give them freedom'. However, in the real world, the record clearly shows what reasons the Pubs gave for attacking the oil basket of the world, and destabilizing the Mideast.

WASHINGTON -- The argument for going to war in Iraq was clearly made. Over and over again, Saddam Hussein was said to be a turn-of-the-millennium Hitler, a madman bent on destroying America with his stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.
Of course, that turned out to be false, but at the time, the justification was no mystery. The word "weapons" shows up 1,107 times in the Congressional Record during the period when the House and Senate were voting to grant President George W. Bush the authority to use force against Iraq. The more specific "weapons of mass [destruction or murder]" comes up 368 times.
Now, with Iraq on the verge of unraveling after the departure of U.S. forces, conservative pundits and some politicians who were wrong about Iraq then are declaiming a new reason for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, saying it was to liberate the Iraqis. The United States sacrificed 4,500 Americans in the name of freedom for the Iraqis, and President Barack Obama is blowing it, they say.

Yup, it was all about 'freedom', not WMD's. How stupid do they think we are? Oh yeah, they're used to dealing with the sheep, who don't have a clue. SURPRISE! We're not all that ignorant.


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