Am gonna miss Stephen Colbert

and the Colbert Report, and his alter-ego as a pompous, buffoon of a Repub, which is so typical of their ilk. I didn't know, until last night's show, that his character was based on Bill O'Reilly. He said that the first time he met Big Bill, he couldn't wait to satirize the egotistical, one dimensional hero of the right wing, and it has been comedic gold, winning numerous Emmy's and other awards. Now he's moving on to take over The Late Show from Letterman, while the sheep still swallow the swill from O'Reilly and the clowns aat Bullshit Mountain, which is much easier than thinking. Am gonna miss Colbert, whose high end humor was probably never even umderstood by the double digit IQ crew he was making fun of. I know some idiots(R) who actually think he's a Conservative Pub. Really....


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