We got a Christmas card

from a dear sweet relative, with a quote directly from FOXNews, cuz she is from a part of the country where most of the people listen to FOX, and think it is REAL news. It's a direct result of the best investment EVER, by the Repub party, as they created a 'news' network and BOUGHT their way into cable news. I was gonna reply to her, but then I realized that once a person goes over to the dark side, and accept the 'stuff on FOX' as reality, it's OVER. Totally. The brain gets warped in the same way as a crack/meth addict's brain that isn't able to process basic thoughts, cuz their brain is wired with crack/meth. The human brain is like a computer. Garbage in=garbage out. Very simple, really, and I've learned to stop wasting my time with someone who gets daily/hourly infusions of FOXCrap. Reality ceases to exist for them, as they are deluged with FOXCrap, which is a STRANGE way to look at the world, but it works real well for the sheep.


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