The official talking point

from Bullshit Mountain, concerning Cuba? We just didn't 'hang in there, long enough'. like Iraq and Afg. It has only been since 1959, and if we'd have only held out, we coulda won... Who are these dumbshits? Oh yeah. Fox sheep, who don't have a clue. Never have and never will, BUT, they are consistent, with their ignorance. Even when the large majority of the Americans support an issue, like affordable health care, background checks for gun sales, big money shouldn't be able to buy votes, climate change is real, taxpayers shouldn't bail out Big Banks, Big Oil shouldn't get an 'Oil Depeletion Allowance', the embargo of Cuba should be stopped, etc. IF, Obama supports it, FOXNews(R) is AGAINST it, and the sheep say Amen. Same old shit from the double digit IQ crowd.


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