If you ever wonder,

about the effectiveness of FOXNews, (fake news), just look at the last election, where Bullshit Mntn convinced the sheep to vote against Obama/Dems, cuz the economy was SO bad. This is after the Pubs TOTALLY wrecked the economy, (remember 2008), and it's been on a steady 'mend' since then, in every way that's measurable.  My hat's off to FOX, and the way they distort reality, to get votes for Pubs. If you watch and believe Bullshit Mountain, OF COURSE you're gonna hate Obama/Pubs. Doesn't make it REAL/truth/fact. It only means you BELIEVE the FOX/Pub message.
Just like Cuba, where the same policy for 50 years hasn't worked, and 2/3 of Americans want a change, BUT, FOX tells the sheep the new relationship is WRONG, and they believe it. Nuff said, cuz the sheep just don't get it. Never have, never will....


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