Much like North Korea's obsession

with 'The Interview' ironically caused MANY more people to see it, FOXNews' bitching about the Newsweek article about 'The Bible' is having the same effect. The clowns of Bullshit Mountain are screaming because the author points out some 'obvious problems' with Bible verses and the behavior of Christians, as they pick and choose which verses to follow, while claiming this country should be based upon laws and scriptures written many centuries ago. As always, I'm not claiming to have any insights as to spiritual truths, but, I have a HUGE problem with accepting the Bible as 100% historically true. This article points out the many problems associated with such beliefs, and that REALLY pisses off the staff at FOXNews, where the sheep are expected to believe 'everything' that's fed to them. Read the article, and see why the clowns are SO upset.


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