Our Colorado 'Rightwingnut in Chief'

Mike Rosen, who gets WAY more press than he deserves, had a 'Year-end Highlight Column', of some Lib stuff that REALLY bothered him, in the Denver Post today. He started and ended with BENGHAZI!, which he, and many of his ilk, think is the worst thing that has EVER happened, (after the Pubs cut the embassy security budget). The Iraq war, based on lies, and the WRECKING of the US economy? No big deal for that crowd. Between the two BENGHAZI! (which has been investigated over 20 times, incl by the Pubs, and Hillary found innocent) stories, he thought it was terrible that Hillary was chosen as one of Barbara Walters 'most fascinating people', and that the 'liberal media' had made a big deal of the birth of Chelsea Clinton's daughter. The he teed off on the fact that someone had published the opinion that Rush and FOX shouldn't be able to broadcast/publish obvously untrue 'disinformation' on climate change and other subjects.  Mike Rosen. Standard bearer for the double digit IQ crowd. I'm so glad he gets an occasional column so we can see just how far 'out there', he and his minions actually are.


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