I can only hope

that the prez's decision on Cuba, a policy that 'hasn't worked' for over 50 years, is the start of a new 'Obama Unbound' chapter. He wasted WAY too much time and energy trying to compromise with a crew whose #1 goal, (according to their leader), was to make him a 'one term president', as 'Just say NO!, was their mantra, while he continually tried to repair the economy they DESTROYED. Now, hopefully, he can just tell em to kiss his ass while he tries to wrest the power from the 1% and their paid lobbyists, who don't give a shit about the rapidly shrinking, formerly powerful American middle class, while corporate America gets more access to the US Treasury, which began with G Dub writing over $860 BILLION in checks (to keep the US economy from TOTALLY imploding) after they'd already stolen billions with 'liar loan' mortgages. (Did you know Russia's entire treasury has less than HALF than what the 'cowboy conman' signed over to his Big Business Buddies in one day?)


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