In the crazy, insane, irrational world

of GOP politics, Grover Norquist, one of the most 'out there' of the rightwingnuts, wants the Pubs to take credit for 'the GREAT economy', although they wrecked it, (remember 2008/Bush?) and have fought everything the Dems have done to fix it, AND, they just (successfully) campaigned against 'the Obama economy', which was/is SO bad, according to their 'news?' source, Bullshit Mountain.
Grover says, , that the economy is doing 'great' and it's because of the Pubs, and they should take credit for it. Just when I think the whackjobs can't get any goofier, they always do, and I'm sure it all makes sense to the sheep, who swallow whatever swill is shoveled to them.


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