Those who have studied

the financial crash of 2008, which was the worst since the Great Depression, know that the MAIN cause was the Big Banks colluding with rating agencies, like S&P, to give AAA ratings to 'bundled' home mortgages, that were handed out to anyone who wanted do the 'liar loans', as Chris Cox, and the rest of the Bush appointed financial 'watchdogs' looked the other way. One of the lessons to come out of the fiasco was a ruling that the US govt wouldn't be responsible any more, for the excesses of Big Money, who could do anything they wanted, taking HUGE profits when it worked, and having the US taxpayers bail them out when they failed. Remember the $860 BILLION in checks written to Bush's Big Money Buddies to keep the country's financial system from completely 'melting down'? Well, fast forward 6 years and the Pubs, in a blackmail move to temporarily fund the govt, have slipped legislation in that would REVERSE those rulings and again make us taxpayers pay for the greed and indescretions of the Big Money hedge funds. You'd never know just watching FOX, who doesn't mention it, but that is the sticking point as Dems try to remove the language that the slimy lawyers have fought to get returned, (cuz it means BILLIONS in profits to the 'Big Boys'), since the day it was outlawed. Same old shit from the 'Party of the ONE percenters', who rape the middle class as they reap the rewards of their well-paid lobbyists.
Oh yeah, and for those who think Big Money doesn't have enough of a say, in buying politicians, the Pubs also slipped in, on page 1599 of a 1603 page bill, language that would allow a TEN-FOLD increase in the amount of $  legally given to political campaigns. Just when you think the jerks can't get any worse, they always do, as the continue to steal the country from the (rapidly shrinking) middle class.


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