In the crazy/stupid world

of Repub politics, it's really hard to tell which Pub we are dealing with, even when it's the same person. Today, John McCain, (shown, above, when told The Dick Cheney had some 'questions' for him) is bitching about Obama's normalization of Cuban relationships, BUT, McCain (2008) disagrees with McCain (2014):
“I’m not in favor of sticking my finger in the eye of Fidel Castro. In fact, I would favor a road map towards normalization of relations such as we presented to the Vietnamese and led to a normalization of relations between our two countries. 
 Is hard to keep the nutballs straight, without a program, although McCain, who denounced the Pubs for their 'Torture Program' is one of the more rational ones, and Rand Paul, the best of the bunch says, 'it's probably a good idea'.


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