To me it's obvious,

that neither the 'Left' or 'Right' is correct all the time, although I usually, but not always, agree with the Libs. Today, a letter writer to the Denver Post pretty well nailed it, as to the differences between Libs and Cons, although I have acuaintances who are 'rightwingnuts' 100% of the time, and proud of it.

It occurred to me that maybe our current state of political gridlock may be due in part to labeling.
It is important to remember that “conservatives” and “liberals” are not evil or totally wrong on every issue. Conservatives are merely people who believe that our issues are better solved by business, the marketplace and private enterprise; they distrust government, especially the federal government. On the other side are liberals, who believe that government, particularly the federal government, needs to be involved to solve most of our problems/issues, especially the major ones (health care, retirement security). They distrust business, especially corporations.
There is rarely a problem or issue where the solution is 100 percent in either of these opposing camps. If we are to move forward out of this gridlock, compromise must be made and both business and government must be part of the solution to varying degrees, depending on the problem. People who think otherwise are being naive and playing upon your emotions.
Paul Klatt, Denver

 Must be much simpler going through life never thinking, just accepting FOX/Repub (one and the same) opinions on EVERYTHING, as the sheep do. Of course it becomes more difficult, as IQ's approach double digits, but not a problem for FOXSheep, as a high school diploma equals 'higher education'. Don't believe it? Look it up...


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