
Showing posts from August, 2019

I just realized something that makes me proud, and ashamed, at the same time.

A while back I decided that I needed a new swim suit, SO I got one that fit me pretty well, and I liked, that was mainly dark blue, with some white, and a bit of red in the background. When I saw it in the mirror I saw how it could be perceived on the beaches of Mexico and in Europe. Red, white and blue. No way am I wearing it, with Dotard as prez. So sad it has come to this, that I am ashamed of my country’s colors, but I am, esp after Viet Nam, Iraq and now Fat Donny. Not a chance I’m wearing the red, white and blue as I vacation overseas, cuz I know what I’d think if I saw some redneck/yahoo(R?) sporting those colors. REALLY sad, but so real, as there is No Way I wanna take the chance of being associated with the Liar in Chief, or the Repubs that made our country a pariah in the world. Hopefully it will change some day, but while I’m alive, and traveling, ain’t gonna take a chance on being labeled an ‘Ugly American’, cuz of the Pubs, who make those of us with a functioning b...

Looks like Dorian is changing direction, and is gonna miss Mar a Lago, maybe.

Dotard’s spokesmen said it’s just a coincidence, after Fat Donny sacrificed four goats, three chickens, two children and a seventeen year old virgin. As the Russian backed conman wiped blood from his corpulent, gelatinous body, he claimed he’d just come from a Jewish bris, where he’d officiated, as The Chosen One. His words....

The rumor is...the Pubs are gonna change their symbol from an elephant, to an ostrich, with it’s head in the sand.

AND, they’re gonna do yoga, to develop a spine and get a free compass to develop moral direction, trying to resemble the party they once were, before the Russian backed, Pussy Grabbing, Pathologicallly LYING, NYC CONMAN took over. Just a rumor.....

In case you missed it, here’s part of Cavuto’s answer to Dotard, who doesn’t like FOX’s mini-trend toward SOME TRUTH, when LIES become TOO obvious, even for Bullshit Mountain.

FYI, these are just a FEW of the YUUUGE pile of LIES, from the Liar in Chief, for whom, ‘lying his ass off’, is just part of his game. Why not? The sheep swallow them, then go vote for him.... Cavuto checked Trump by pointing out multiple examples of the President's own misinformation and false claims. "I'm not the one who said tariffs are a wonderful thing; you are. I'm not the one that said Mexico would pay for the wall; you did. Just like I'm not the one who claimed Russia didn't meddle in the 2016 election; you did," said the Fox News host. Cavuto continued reading off false claims made by Trump, like when he denied paying off Stormy Daniels; he said the Access Hollywood tape was fake; he claimed that he inherited a depression from Obama; and his recent reversal on background checks for guns within hours. "These aren't fake items. They are real items, and you really said to them," said Cavuto adding "Fake is when it's wron...

Wow, maybe there IS a God....And I may have to really thank her.

PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump's prized Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida is potentially sitting directly in the path of  Hurricane Dorian  , which is forecast to become an extremely destructive storm. Nothing could be more cosmically perfect. We can only hope..  Although that will just give him a chance to REALLY SCREW the insurance companies. Not that he’d LIE, of course. If ANY part of an insurance claim is shown to be bogus, the entire claim can be denied. I’d LOVE to be one of the adjusters for Mar a Lago. I’d buy a giant DENIED rubber stamp, a gallon of red ink and really enjoy my work.

Are these people idiots, or what?

Have beers seeing LOTS of TV coverage, with Floridians filling shopping carts with water, and waiting in line, some said for eight hours, to get sand, for sand bags. WTF? Now I realize how FL went to Dotard. The morons buying a cart full of water don’t have buckets, pos/pans, bathtubs, etc to store water from their faucets? And these idiots line up for HOURS, to get SAND in Florida? ‘Hey honey, it only took 6 hours to get these ten sandbags. We’re safe now, and Thank Gawd for Donald Trump, the Chosen One’. No wonder it’s a Repub stronghold....

Wow, if this works, I ‘have a plan’ to avoid sentencing, if I’m ever in deep doo doo, like Russia backed Dotard’s pal, Mike Flynn, who met with the Russians, and then LIED about, taking his cues from the Liar in Chief.

Right before I get sentences, I’m gonna change lawyers, and then the new guys can say, ‘We need more time to get ready’. And knowing how justice can be BOUGHT, if you have snuff $$, it’ll probably work.

As Dotard and Bullshit Mountain stir the flames against the TERRIBLE James Comey, and his plot to derail the Pussy Grabber,

they just need to remember something. This is the same James Comey who SAT ON all the info about Dotard’s Russian backing, (found by EVERY US Intel agency) for the NYC conman, and eleven days before the election, REOPENED the investigation into Hillary. Now, the morons(R) claim a conspiracy against Dotard by the FBI director after Fat Donny’s Main Boy, Willie Barr, found ZERO leaks of ANY confidential info, just a plan to tell the truth and protect his good name, being destroyed by the Liar in Chief. The gullible morons(R) are unbelievable, thought that’s nothin new, as they twist themselves into pretzels, trying to prove Comey’s a crook and Dotard’s a good guy. How about a LIE OFF? Let’s see who can LIE the most. Fat Donny opens with 12,000, and Comey might have one....

Check out Dotard on the diving board. Nailed it!

Who’s the most stupid? The captain of the ship, or the morons who elected him and blindly follow his moronic policies? Oh yeah, they get big checks to cover their tariff losses, and Fed Crop Insurance, plus Medicare and Social Security while bitchin’ about Socialism. Who’s the Dummy?


What’s next? Rush and Sean telling the TRUTH? Nah, that’ll NEVER happen, BUT, there are some strange happenings at FOX, as they seem to have, ‘woke up, and smelled the coffee’, that Dotard probably won’t be around after the next election, IF, they are able to pry him out of the White House as yells, Fake Eleaction, FIXED< by the Deep State, Hillary did it, etc..

Neil Cavuto recently joined Shep Smith, Juan Williams, Chris Wallace and some of the Editorial Staff, and is all of sudden realizing that Dotard will probably soon be gone and they wanna be on the right side of history, which is SO unlike the ass licking buttkissers at Bullshit Mountain who have gotten Pubs elected and defended their every move, for generations. What’s next? Dotard pulling his head out of Putin’s ass? It is called being fair and balanced, Mr. President, yet it is fair to say you're not a fan when that balance includes stuff you don't like to hear or facts you don't like to have questioned," Cavuto continued.  The anchor then went onto list things that Trump has done or said that has been fact-checked, including: a top Trump trade adviser  calling tariffs  a "wonderful thing," Trump saying Mexico would  pay for a wall  on the southern border, Trump flip-flopping on gun  background checks, Trump ordering former Whi...

IF there’s a God, I beseech her, (probably a her) to send Dorian straight at Mar a Lago and show the world what she thinks of Dotard.

I couldn’t think of a better message from a Divine Being than to smash the HQ of the Anti-Christ. Just a thought/suggestion, if you’re listening......

As Dotard’s idiotic tariffs cause untold damage around the world, and now here at home, the Liar in Chief has tried to dodge the blame, as he always does, keeping with his mantra of NEVER admit mistakes and ALWAYS blame someone else.

The lying Piece of Crap has gone from blaming the Fed, esp the guy HE appointed, and now is blaming the businesses who are paying the price of his lunacy, although the incompetent moron claims ‘Jina is paying the tariffs’. ‘Excuses!’ Trump claims ‘badly run and weak companies’ are using China tariffs as a scapegoat PUBLISHED AN HOUR AGO UPDATED 27 MIN AGO President Donald Trump on Friday argued “badly run and weak companies” have blamed his trade war with China for flagging business in order to mask “bad management.” His tweet comes as more companies from a range of industries have started to slam his tariffs on about $550 billion in Chinese goods. Earlier this week,  more than 160 industry groups criticized Trump’s latest move  to slap duties on Chinese products. Screw the Russian backed Pussy Grabber and the clueless, gullible Bible Belt sheep that the NYC conman rode in on.

Dotard LOVES to tell whopper LIES about Comey, an honorable man who saw a Russian backed, incompetent conman ascend to our highest office. Basically, what Comey got charged with, was ‘Speeding, on his way to warn the village that a fire was coming’.

As Dotard threatened to release non-existent tapes, Comey released the TRUTH about matters that the Liar in Chief was LYING about, and you’d think the Pubs had discovered a Russian worm in charge of the CIA. The RUssian was, and is, Fat Donny, under Putin’s thumb for the YUUUUUGE number and size of their financial transactions, BUT, we’re off subject, which is: Even with the Trump appointed clowns at the DOJ, they found NOTHING illegal, no classifies material leaked. Only an honest man trying to defend himself against the constant barrage of LIES and innuendo from the crook that thought the FBI was gonna indict him, and he wanted to muddy the water. Comey didn’t like being muddied, by a LYING conman, so he released the TRUTH, through a third party. TERRIBLE, according to Bullshit Mountain, where they report Dotard’s each and every LIE as truth and fact. Can you say HYPOCRITES? It’s a bit hard to take these concerns seriously in light of the events that moved Mr. Comey to...

He liked to call them My Generals, and although he said, ‘I know more than the Generals’, he kept them around, until they were indicted (Flynn) or QUIT in disgust.

In the first few months of his presidency, Donald Trump surrounded himself with a certain sort of ramrod military man: John Kelly, Michael Flynn, H.R. McMaster and Jim Mattis. These men had or appeared to have the kind of manly virtues and bearing that Trump likes to see in himself: courage, toughness, competence and integrity. Now they’re all gone. DUH, how could people like survive around Fat Donny,  the cesspool of narcissism and incompetence? BUT, millions still support the Liar in Chief? WHY? Because they get their ‘news’ from FOX, and have no idea what is really happening in the world. They love their view of the world, getting only  what the Repub Propaganda Machine WANTS them to see. Save yourself some time, morons. Get a big sign that says Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, and you can save yourself hours of brainwashing per day. You’re welcome....

Can you imagine, if you were an offensive coordinator, and trying to win the Big Game?

Would you get your info from the what the Defensive coordinator wanted to give you? OF COURSE NOT! But, that’s how the sheep get their info. From the Defensive Coordinator, or Bullshit Mountain, as they are commonly known. And the dumbshits don’t even realize it, as they think they are ‘informed’, getting ONLY the info that the ‘head sheep’ wants to give them. And you wonder WHY they are so ignorant and uninformed? You would be too, if you(R) were so gullible and clueless.... Or are you(R)?

Just in case you’re keeping track, another rat(R) just jumped the (sinking) ship.

Sen Izaksen, R, GA, says adios, joining a YUUUGE number of Pubs who can see the future and don’t wanna be part of it, kissing up to the Russian backed, incompetent a-hole in the White House. Can you blame ‘em?

Bullshit Mountain is SCREAMIN’, Cuz Comey ‘leaked’ sensitive info, BUT the asshole at FOX don’t say HWY or WHAT he ‘leaked’.

He leaked the Russian backed ahole asking him to break the LAW, and he needed to protect himself, cuz Dotard has unlimited power, and LIES all the time. AND the stuff he ‘leaked’ wasn’t ‘Classified’ at the time, just like Hillary didn’t leak ‘Classified’ info. It wasn’t at the time, only AFTER political opponents re-classified it for their own political ends. BUT,; everyone knows that, unless you are one of the ‘head up their ass’ crowd who doesn’t give a shit about truth, preferring the FOX version of reality. Screw all you gullible FOXFed clowns, who willingly trade FOXLies for facts.....

Wow, I’m shocked! One of Dotard’s ‘generals’ , who he claimed to know more than, ‘I know more than the generals’, (FU Dotard!)

Gen Jim Mattis(R), who quit in disgust, said he ‘found the president to be of limited cognitive ability, and of generally dubious character’. How else can you say ‘He’s a crooked dumbshit?’ This, is after his Sec of State Rex Tillerson and Head Economic Advisor Gary Cohn, BOTH said the same thing. ‘He’s a FUCKING IDIOT’. These are people HE appointed, and they quit on their own. Their words, not mine, although I totally agree. BUT, the uninformed, gullible, clueless sheep will never hear, cuz FOXLies sure won’t air it, on Dotard’s State TV. And you wonder WHY they are so gullible, ignorant and uniformed? HA! What a bunch of morons, cuz they made the choice of FOX, not reality. Swallow Repub Lies from FOX, OR get real news. The gullible dumbasses made their choice, and their ignorance is their choice. The bad news? We all suffer from their ignorance and gullibility. But, like the poor, (with a YUUGE amount of overlap) they will always be with us...... Screw them, ...

I get a ‘Daily Joke’, on line, and some are even kinda funny.

 I know, you think Dotard is the daily JOKE, but, Today's Joke - Thu, 29 Aug 2019 A young teenaged girl was a prostitute and for obvious reasons, kept it a secret from her grandma. One day, the police raided a brothel and arrested a group of prostitutes, including the young girl. The prostitutes were instructed to line up in a straight line on the sidewalk. Well, who should be walking in the neighborhood but little old Grandma. The young girl was frantic. Sure enough, Grandma noticed her young granddaughter and asked curiously, "What are you lining up for, dear?" Not willing to let grandma in on her little secret, the young girl told her that some people were passing out free oranges and that she was lining up for some. "Mmm, sounds lovely," said Grandma. "I think I'll have some myself," she continued as she made her way to the back of the line. A police officer made his way down the line, questioning all of the prostitutes. When he got to Gr...

Because SO MANY people hate the asshole, Dotard needs a great economy to give himself a chance to be re-elected, but, in what may be a self-fulfilling prophecy, Moore and more voters say the economy is getting worse, BECAUSE of Dotard’s idiotic policies.

As trade tensions with China dominate the headlines, confidence in the economy is slipping," Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Mary Snow said. "The number of people who think the economy is getting worse rose by double digits since June. And roughly 4 in 10 voters blame the president's policies, saying they are hurting the economy, the highest level since Trump took office." According to the poll: 37% say the economy is getting worse, up from 23% in June. 31% say it is getting better, down from 39% in June. 30% say it is staying the same, down from 37% in June. In hypothetical matchups with the leading Democratic presidential primary contenders, President Trump is losing to all of them, according to the poll: Former Vice President Joe Biden gets 54% to just 38% for President Trump. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., leads President Trump 53% to 39%. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is ahead by 12 percentage points – 52% to 40%. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-C...

When the Liar in Chief’s LIES get SO outrageous that even the clowns at FOX gag on them, and publish a rare bit of truth, hidden deep in the ‘opinion’ section, you know Dotard is really spewing some Whoppers, as in ‘who pays for his idiotic tariffs’.

Remember, this is directly from FOX ‘News?’.... Are the tariffs  President Trump  has imposed on imports from China a good move or a harmful one? That’s a debatable point. What’s not debatable is who will pay for these tariffs. To find out, just look in the mirror. President Trump’s claim that  China  will pay for the tariffs is as valid as his claim during his election campaign that Mexico will pay for the wall he wants to build along our southern border. Just as we will pay for the wall with our tax dollars, we will pay for the tariffs on Chinese imports when we go shopping for thousands of products made in China. And, the federal government has doled out about $8 billion so far in aid to U.S. farmers (with a promised $28 billion), but where do you think that money is coming from? Yup, time to look in the mirror again, because the money going to farmers comes from the taxes you pay. We can add that to the cost. Overall, the cost of these tariffs on...

One of the MAIN contributors to the ‘Greenhouse Effect’ of trapping dangerous gasses in the atmosphere and overheating the entire system is methane gas, so the EPA and others had rules and refs about the release of the harmful gas into our atmosphere, SO, because it was Obama era protections, Dotard and his minions said ‘F**k it’ and removed the restrictions, allowing Big Oil to do whatever they want and is most profitable for them.

Screw Dotard and the ignorant, gullible sheep he rode in on. The Trump administration announced plans on Thursday to weaken or remove regulations on climate-changing methane emissions. The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rule would lessen restrictions on oil and gas sites to monitor and repair methane leaks from pipelines and storage facilities. The rule would be the latest move by the Trump administration to roll back Obama-era emission regulations on major oil and gas industries, which are the main source of methane emissions in the U.S.

Wow, who da thunk the DOJ, run by Dotard’s lap dog, Wm Barr, would find Comey guilty of impropriety, though not enough for any charges to filed, while ignoring the Liar in Chief’s actions? Who da guessed?

 A scathing  inspector general report  released Thursday said that fired FBI Director James Comey violated bureau policies by drafting, leaking and retaining memos documenting private discussions with President Trump. The Justice Department's official watchdog concluded that the  memos Comey  kept were, in fact, "official FBI records," and said Comey set a "dangerous example" with his actions. The Barr directed DOJ overlooked WHAT Comey released and WHY, cuz that would explain Dotard’s LIES and corruption, and instead focused on the person who helped expose the ‘truth’. Same old Bullshit Mountain bullshit where ‘Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, now go VOTE, you gullible sheep....

It’s called the ‘Militry-Industrial Complex’. It’s what Ike warned against and is the leading proponent for the wars and YUUUUUGE spending of the most bloated military in the history of the world.

The retired generals staff the ‘Defense’ (Ha, should be renamed Offensive) Dept and the politicians are paid YUUUUUGE bucks by the ‘Defense’ contractors to vote for their outrageous weapons, toys, bases and if they really ‘hit the Jackpot’, another war, nearly always based on (Repub) LIES. It’s a great system for those who get ‘inside’ and reap the YUUUGE rewards of selling to the US Military, where bookkeeping doesn’t even exist to track the BILLIONS of dollars shoveled to the Fat Cats weekly. My favorite is pallets of cash, filling jumbo super-cargo planes, flown to Iraq, the GW and The Dick’s ‘war, based on LIES’. The individual, shrink-wrapped wads of $100’s were the size of footballs and got that nickname, as BILLIONS of dollars worth of footballs were handed out ???? There isn’t any paperwork for the Pubs raids on the US Treasury. Bottom line, a ‘revolving door’ for the military and the industries that supply them, with ever-increasing budgets with virtually no oversight. ...

Does the asshole even know the Bullshit Mountain PRETENDS to be a ‘real’news Out let, as he bathes about them telling tine. Bit of the truth?

President Trump  took his  complaints about Fox News , his biggest bastion of support on television, to a new level on Wednesday, claiming that the network "isn't working for us anymore." His  tweets  made explicit Trump's long-held belief that Fox belongs to him and his supporters. Despite daily cheerleading from  "Fox & Friends"  in the morning all the way until "The Ingraham Angle" at night, Trump suggests that the network is not sufficiently loyal to him. "We have to start looking for a new News Outlet," he tweeted on Wednesday, inadvertently lending credence to critics' claims that Fox is akin to state-run TV. OMG! You can’t make up stuff like this, as Dotard bitches about his State TV only supporting him 99% of the time. I just wonder, WTF do the rightwingnuts think, (as if they capable of thought) while the Liar in Chief bitches about a SMALL bit of reality? As if those morons are capable of rational thought. ...

Dotard’s quote, as world leaders say What the F**k is wrong with you?

And this is ‘for real’ rightwingnuts. He said it, as the rest of the world says WTF is WRONG with you?

Dotard just noticed, FOX is giving some non-Repubs an honest podium on FOX, and Dotard is freaking out, cuz his, State Media veered a little bit away from their agenda of, Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, now go VOTE, Repub.

R U shittin’ me? Bullshit Mountain gives a Dem some honey reporting and the Liar in CHief can’t handle it, cuz he has always seen the clowns catapult the roger Ailes directive of ‘F**k the Dems, no matter what it takes. President  Donald Trump  sent  Fox News  a message Wednesday that he would not tolerate watching hosts on his favorite TV network go easy on  Democrats . The president threw a tantrum on  Twitter  after Fox News anchor Sandra Smith hosted Democratic National Committee communications director Xochitl Hinojosa to discuss ― amicably ― the 2020  Democratic presidential debates . WTF is wrong with the Liar in Chief and the morons who support him, when a ‘news’ network DARES to tell the truth? The gullible, clueless minions, led by Fat Donny, the Liar in Chief freak out, unable to handle the truth. WTF is WRONG with these people? Oh yeah, FOXLies... Never mind. Let me know when a Dem candidate freaks out when someone tells ...

In just one more of his LIES, that he makes non-stop, Dotard claimed (several times) that Puerto Rico had rec’d over $92 BILLION in aid, SO, they should shut up and love him.

As always, the Liar in Chief wasn’t even close, as he pulled numbers out of his fat ass. Congress has appropriated approx $42 Billion, but PR has rec’d about $14 billion. A YUUUUGE difference $92 Bil vs $14 Bil, as the Liar in Chief continues his onslaught on FACTS of all kinds. And why not? His faithful sheep swallow his crap and ask for more, which his shovels to them in massive amounts, on his State TV, FOXLies, where Pubs go to hear what they WANT to hear, rather than reality. Same old shit, from Fat Donny. Just lie your ass off, cuz the sheep don’t know or care. Trump  tweeted  that “Congress foolishly gave 92 Billion Dollars” to Puerto Rico. NBC News’ Jane Timm  fact-checked  the president's statement, explaining that Congress had allocated only $42.5 billion and the island has so far received only a fraction of that:

Using the tactica of a dictator, Dotard’s obvious ultimate plan, Fat Donny told the builders of his Wall to go ahead and break laws, including aggressive seizure of private land, and he’ll pardon them if/when they are prosecuted.

Trump Offers Pardons To Aides Who Will Fast-Track Wall Before Election Day: Report The president has told aides troubled by his orders not to “worry” about flouting any laws. President Donald Trump reportedly told officials in his administration that he would pardon them if they had to break any laws to get hundreds of miles of his border wall built before the next presidential election , according to a report Tuesday night in The Washington Post. “Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” the president has told aides worried about his instructions to seize private land through eminent domain, flout environmental rules or push through billion-dollar contracts.

Wow, I’m shocked. Dotard doesn’t have a clue when it comes to international negotiations, as he screws up one deal after another, and his ego gets in the way of what’s good for the country.

President Donald Trump says his belligerent, winner-takes-all negotiating tactics have “done well” for him over the years. But trade insiders say his aggressive moves with China are botching his chances for any long-term trade deal. It may have worked for his life as a New York businessman, but he has yet to conclude a deal that has significant gains for the United States,” said Jeff Moon, who was the top career-level China official at the U.S. Trade Representative’s office until just before the start of the Trump administration. “Trump’s goals are to win, but he lacks any underlying values or long-term strategy,” Moon added. Trump’s campaign of maximum pressure has manifested in a tit-for-tat tariff war with China that has left global markets reeling. Thanks again, gullible sheep, for putting the Russian backed, incompetent, LYING, NYC con man in the White House.

As if we didn’t already know, Dotard’s AG is deep up his ass, instead of representing the American people, as his job description requires. Even the clueless, gullible sheep(R) oughta see the problem with this? Never mind....

William Barr Books $30,000 Party At Trump Hotel The attorney general booked the Trump property in Washington, D.C., for a 200-person holiday party.

Can you imagine, trusting the Democratic Party to give unbiased ‘news’ on day to day events?

Of course not! BUT, the gullible sheep get their ‘news’ from the sham ‘news’ company set up by Roger Ailes, the Chief Repub Political Strategist. And these gullible morons see ‘No Problem’ getting their ‘news’ from a clown crew that will shovel exactly what they WANT to hear, instead of reality. The hypocrisy is off the chart, but these morons(R), with their heads deep in their asses, think.’Wow, good thing I’m informed’, as they watch a network with ONE overriding agenda. Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, Now go vote, you gullible sheep. How do you rightwingnuts even BREATHE, with your heads so deeply and firmly implanted?

Just to remind you of Dotard’s claim. ’ I know words. I have the best words, I’m really smart. A stable genius.’ Screw him and the gullible jerks(R) who swallow his crap.

The “ very stable genius ” in the Oval Office is, in fact, extremely unstable, in word and deed. That’s not a psychological diagnosis, although you can  make that case  too. It’s just a straightforward description of his behavior. And his instability is starting to have serious economic consequences. To see what I mean about Trump’s behavior, just consider his  moves on China trade  over the past month, which have befuddled business leaders all over the world, while he sucks trillions from world markets.

Dotard continues to be the ‘Uniter’, as in uniting the world against him.


Seems like the ‘talking point’ of the Pubs for the next election is gonna be, ‘Don’t vote for the SOCIALIST Dems’.

What the hell would you call Dotard’s program to divert BILLIONS of our tax dollars, to buy the Pub farm vote, sending checks to the morons who voted for him? He and the ‘fiscally Responsible’ (my ass) Repubs are on their THIRD BAILOUT to the farmers who   are paying for Dotard’s idiotic tariffs after THEY are the FOXLies swallowers who helped put the incompetent a-hole in office. The people who get their Dotard bailouts, Federal Crop Insurance, Medicare and Social Security and then BITCH about socialism. Can you say idiotic HYPOCRITES? I sure can.....

Interesting ‘American Greed’ program tonight, about Paul Manafort, Dotard’s imprisoned Campaign Mgr.

Talk about a sleazy a-hole... He sold American campaign info ot Russian oligarchs, hid the $$ and LIED about it, time and again. I could tell about it, but it’s all ‘on the record’ and the Liar in Chief’s chief LIAR and Russian connection, is in prison, BUT, refusing to flip on his Don, hoping for a pardon. Never mind, we all the story, but 1/3 of us (FOX sheep/morons) don’t give a shit, cuz it put a Russian backed Pussy Grabber(R) in the White House. Nothing else counts, for the morons(R) for whom truth and honor doesn’t matter.

Was just flipping through recorded stuff, looking for something to watch, and came across an old CBS News, Sunday Morning, Show

and after a piece on Kevin Bacon and then one on David Eisenhower, came across a piece on Sarah Hunkameat, and the outrageous LIES, she told, over and over, along with the Liar in Chief who backed up his LYING sidekick. THese were back in the days when the prez held a news conference, before it became SO OUTRAGEOUS with LIES, that he gave up. Can any of you rightwingnuts even tell me who the new White House Press Secretary is? Didn’t think so. OMG! What kind of moron would look at her, and him and say, ‘Yup, that’s us’. Now, the LYING bitch is running for Congress somewhere, (New Mexico?), and her entire portfolio is, ‘I’m a professional LIAR(R), vote for me’. The REALLY sad thing? These f’ing LIARS(R) are taking over the country, taking their cues from FOXLies, and the Liar in Chief in the White House, and the gullible morons(R) either don’t know, or don’t care. Screw Dotard and the gullible sheep he rode in on, who sold our country down the sewer..... Can you imagine the i...

In just ‘one more’ in his YUUUGE catalog of LIES, Dotard’s was forced to admit...

Melania had never met his butt buddy, and another dictator that he covets, Kim Jong Un. The asshole(R) LIES like the rest of us breathe....constantly, claiming Melania and Kim baby were buddies, and she looked at him like, ‘WTF? White House clarifies that Melania Trump has not met Kim Jong Un  By  CAITLIN OPRYSKO   08/26/2019 03:32 PM EDT The LIES never cease, but why should they? His gullible sheep swallow ‘em like candy and say, ‘Thank you sir, may I have another’... What a bunch of clueless, gullible idiots.... How do you ‘signup’ morons like these? I’d love to sell ‘em some bridges and swamp land.

Jim Cramer, who’s known for ‘talking out his ass’, spoke with Joe Kernan who IS an ass, on CNBC today and came up with a whopper.

“I’m aghast we trust the People’s Republic of China more than we trust the White House,” says the “Mad Money” host, obviously referring to the so-called phone call this morning, which was just in time to avert a bloodbath in the markets, caused by the Idiot in Chiefs idiotic tariffs.  BTW, the dipshit still doesn’t know who pays them, OR, he just thinks we’re all as stupid and gullible as his FOXSheep crowd. WTF? Who should we believe? Pretty obvious Jimbo. How many times has Ji Ping lied to us? And how many times has the Liar in Chief LIED his ass off, to us? Let’s see: Porn star payments, Mexico paying for the wall, he’ll only hire the BEST people (OMG!), trade wars are good and easy to win, Russia didn’t help put him in office, he weighs 239 lbs, clean coal, his favorite book is The Bible, his golf scores (Cheater!) and Club Championships (HA!), etc and etc and ON and ON and ON, but why waste my time? 2/3 of us know and are PISSED and 1/3 don’t give a shit. ...

It’s no secret, that Dotard and the Pubs have been in a WAR with the Free Press, supporting the Repub Chief Political Strategist Roger Ailes’ created substitute for ‘real’ news, Bullshit Mountain.

Now, as the 2020 elections near, the purveyors of Fake News, the clowns at FOXLies, have a plan to muddy the waters of true journalism and push their ‘Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD’, now Go Vote, agenda. It hasn't exactly been a secret. For those who have paid attention over the last year, it's appeared quite clear that pro-Trump operatives have launched an effort to attack news organizations by digging up problematic comments its own journalists have made in the past. But this effort has largely been ignored by the press — until now. On Sunday afternoon, NYT's Ken Vogel and Jeremy Peters reported on the "aggressive operation to discredit news organizations." As Vogel and Peters put it, "It is the latest step in a long-running effort by Mr. Trump and his allies to undercut the influence of legitimate news reporting." Read their full story here...

Dotard said the Jinese are calling him to restart negotiations, and the Chinese immediately replied, ‘NO, we’re NOT’.

Wow, who ya gonna believe? A lying dictator or the Chinese? I know who I believe, and it’s sure not the Liar in Chief, who was looking at a disastrous opening for the markets, following the crash he caused last week. SO, what ya gonna do if you’re the Liar in Chief? More LIES, obviously. That and bankruptcies are his ‘signature moves’. Sounds real ‘presidential’, right? Only if you’re a gullible, FOXSwallowing sheep, that is....

Continuing the exodus of ‘rats from a sinking ship’, another Pub announced his retirement today.

Wisconsin Republican Sean Duffy announced Monday that he will resign from Congress next month, joining  nine other House Republicans  who have announced their own planned departures in recent weeks.

Dotard took some crap, from MANY at the G-&, about missing the Climate Change meeting,

SOOO, the LYING piece of crap just made up more LIES, and skipped out, not repeating his oft-repeated line, that Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax. The Liar in Chief first said he had meetings with the heads of Germany and India, then when it was pointed out they were at the meeting, the LIAR said he thought the meeting was ‘later in the day’. The a-hole just spews LIES, in front of the world, like he thinks they’re ALL as gullible as the clueless sheep who swallow Bullshit Mountain crap. Unbelievable.... Like Dotard. Trump seemed to think -- or at least said -- that the climate change meeting was later in the day and that he hadn't missed it at all. From the pool report: "Asked if he attended the climate session, Potus says 'we're having it in a little while.' He didn't appear to hear when a reporter told him it just happened." This was after he said that he had meetings with Germany and India, who were at the climate change session. ...

Speaking of the clowns at Bullshit Mountain, they’ve coined a new word, for their gullible, clueless sheep.

It’s Russiagate, and it refers to the ‘hoax’ of Russian involvement in the 2016 election, although ALL SEVENTEEN US Intel agencies say it was very real. Hmm, we have FOX ‘news’ and the Liar in Chief vs US Intel.  Wow, who ya gonna believe? Tough one.  Lies vs truth? Sheep vs reality?   Just like who pays for Dotard’s tariffs? You can believe the Liar in Chief, OR, you can look at reality. Another TOUGH ONE, where only the most ignorant, clueless, gullible sheep would have a problem. BUT, those idiots have LOTS of problems......

The clowns at FOX are bitchin’ cu the ‘younger generation’ doesn’t value patriotism and religion as highly as the FOXNews sheep. Duh, who da thunk?

I lived through the God and Country era when the govt drafted us to go fight their bullshit war in Viet Nam and the young people today remember Repub hypocrites, and their preachers, supporting GW and The Dick with their bullshit war in Iraq, based on Repub LIES. Now, we have the Russian backed, incompetent ‘Christian’ Pussy Grabbing, LYING conman in the White House and it’s OBVIOUS to anyone with a functioning brain how that’s working out. And you clowns at Bullshit Mountain are ‘shocked’ cuz the younger generation says ‘screw you’ to your hypocritical, self serving programs. HA! Just look at any chart/graph and guess what the trend for the future is. Modern education vs the Pub anti-science program? Wow, I wonder who’s gonna win, after the Repub, anti-science, religious, old white guy generation dies off? Millennials care less about patriotism and religion than previous generations, study says

The only ‘good news’ about Dotards Trade War? The gullible clowns who voted for him are be hurt the worst. Too bad, suckers...


Good news, in a way, but I hate to see the ignorant bitch gat any more publicity.

The Kentucky county clerk who in 2015 gained widespread attention for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples may be sued for damages by two of those couples, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday. In a 3-0 decision, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati said Kim Davis can be sued in her individual capacity.

After railing on about the ‘Terrible’ Iran Pact, made by world leaders after years of negotiations,

the Liar in CHief talked about the US ‘giving’ billions to Iran and getting NOTHING in return. The dumbshit won’t admit it was just the ‘return’ of Iranian businessmen’s money, confiscated by the US and the world court said there would be ‘fines and interst’ if it wasn’t returned to it’s rightful owners. The LYING jerk(R) then went on to say the time period was ‘about over’ and wasn’t nearly long enough, although it was TEN YEARS, which began in 2015 and has another six years, when it can be re-negotiated. Are the sheep SO STUID they can’t see through his bullshit? Obviously so. That’s how we got the Russian backed, incompetent, LYING conman. Dotard then skipped the last meeting of the G-7, pissed cuz they wouldn’t let his buddies, the Russians (who he OWES DEARLY) back into the group. The rest oof the civilized world, incl this last G-7 meeting was to discuss Climate Change, following the hottest month EVER and 16 or the 17 hottest years, EVER recorded, BUT, the Dumbass(R) cla...

Let’s say you had a perceived problem with a plumber, would you hire a landscaper with your next problem?

OR, let’s imagine a Dr did a (perceived) bad job on a prognosis or disease, SO, next time you had an ailment would you hire a used car salesman when you got sick the next time? You would, if you were a dumbass Repub who didn’t like Obama, cuz he did ????, after fixing the ‘total wreck’ of an economy that was left after GW and The Dick(R), who LIED us into a war, and THEN, trashed our national, and WORLD economy. Don’t understand? Google ‘Biggest recession since the Great Depression’. SO, the dumbasses who swallow FOXCrap didn’t like the Dems, (Dems BAD—Pubs  GOOD) andthe gullible jerks(R) elected a Pussy Grabbing, Russian backed, LYING NYC conman, cuz they didn’t like politicians. Yup, used car salesman is better than a Dr, in the mind of a gullible FOXSheep, and VOILA! We have the Orange Clown in the White House. What could possibly go wrong, you ignorant Bullshit Mountain disciples? We’ll see, and we’ve gotten a GREAT preview. Screw you morons, who wrecked our coun...

Obama had a BUNCH of accomplishments, probably the BIGGEST was fixing the ‘steaming pile’ economy left behind by GW and The Dick(R).

Obama also addressed Climate Change with all the leaders of the industrial world with the Paris Accord and the same world leaders met, for years, to create the Iran Pact, which Iran was obeying, to the letter. There was also the Trans Pacific Partnership, to control China in the Pacific Rim, the result of YEARS of negotiations, and sell American agricultural products, and other goods, in the Far East. And there was the Affordable Care Act, which gave medical coverage to millions. Dotard’s Legacy? He’s f***ed up every program, offering NO alternatives, though he claims the Repub Health Care Plan is MUCH better and costs MUCH less. But we haven’t seen it. Sorta like the Repub Infrastructure Program, one of the FEW bi-partisan issues in Washington. BUT, Fat Donny DID establish a modern day record for LYING, averaging double digits for every day in office. which will stand forever, without doubt. Bottom line.... F**k Dotard, the Russian backed, Pussy Grabbing ‘Christian’ imbe...

Just call him ‘King Donald’, according to Dotard and his court jester, Larry ‘Bozo” Kudlow.

Who do these a-holes think they are? Fat Donny’s heroes, Comrade Putin or Kim Jog Un, Dotard’s butt buddy? Last I heard America was still a democracy, no matter HOW MUCH the dipshit(R) wants to be a dictator. Screw him and the gullible, ignorant, clueless sheep he rode in on.....

Wow, when even the clowns at FOX can see the problem maybe Dotard oughta listen.

OPINION Published  1 day ago Yes, Trump should be tough on China, but the tariff route is the road to disaster While  President Trump  lashed out in tweets Friday criticizing both Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and Chinese President Xi Jinping, there is only one focus that is truly an issue, and the resolution is entirely under Trump’s control. That’s China – not the Fed. The Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 623 points Friday after Trump tweeted that he “hereby ordered” U.S. companies to find alternatives to doing business with  China. Remember, this is from FOX, as more and more of them can see into the near future and are contemplating a ‘post-Dotard’ world. The sheep ain’t that smart.......