As Dotard and Bullshit Mountain stir the flames against the TERRIBLE James Comey, and his plot to derail the Pussy Grabber,

they just need to remember something.

This is the same James Comey who SAT ON all the info about Dotard’s Russian backing, (found by EVERY US Intel agency) for the NYC conman, and eleven days before the election, REOPENED the investigation into Hillary.

Now, the morons(R) claim a conspiracy against Dotard by the FBI director after Fat Donny’s Main Boy, Willie Barr, found ZERO leaks of ANY confidential info, just a plan to tell the truth and protect his good name, being destroyed by the Liar in Chief.

The gullible morons(R) are unbelievable, thought that’s nothin new, as they twist themselves into pretzels, trying to prove Comey’s a crook and Dotard’s a good guy.

How about a LIE OFF?
Let’s see who can LIE the most.
Fat Donny opens with 12,000, and Comey might have one....


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