Bullshit Mountain is SCREAMIN’, Cuz Comey ‘leaked’ sensitive info, BUT the asshole at FOX don’t say HWY or WHAT he ‘leaked’.

He leaked the Russian backed ahole asking him to break the LAW, and he needed to protect himself, cuz Dotard has unlimited power, and LIES all the time.
AND the stuff he ‘leaked’ wasn’t ‘Classified’ at the time, just like Hillary didn’t leak ‘Classified’ info.
It wasn’t at the time, only AFTER political opponents re-classified it for their own political ends.

BUT,; everyone knows that, unless you are one of the ‘head up their ass’ crowd who doesn’t give a shit about truth, preferring the FOX version of reality.

Screw all you gullible FOXFed clowns, who willingly trade FOXLies for facts.....


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