Wow, I’m shocked! One of Dotard’s ‘generals’ , who he claimed to know more than, ‘I know more than the generals’, (FU Dotard!)

Gen Jim Mattis(R), who quit in disgust, said he ‘found the president to be of limited cognitive ability, and of generally dubious character’.

How else can you say ‘He’s a crooked dumbshit?’

This, is after his Sec of State Rex Tillerson and Head Economic Advisor Gary Cohn, BOTH said the same thing.


These are people HE appointed, and they quit on their own.

Their words, not mine, although I totally agree.

BUT, the uninformed, gullible, clueless sheep will never hear, cuz FOXLies sure won’t air it, on Dotard’s State TV.
And you wonder WHY they are so gullible, ignorant and uniformed?

HA! What a bunch of morons, cuz they made the choice of FOX, not reality.

Swallow Repub Lies from FOX, OR get real news.
The gullible dumbasses made their choice, and their ignorance is their choice.
The bad news? We all suffer from their ignorance and gullibility.
But, like the poor, (with a YUUGE amount of overlap) they will always be with us......

Screw them, the Russian backed Dotard, and the clowns at FOX, for LYING to those who aren’t smart enough to know how stupid/ignorant they are.....


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