In just one more of his LIES, that he makes non-stop, Dotard claimed (several times) that Puerto Rico had rec’d over $92 BILLION in aid, SO, they should shut up and love him.

As always, the Liar in Chief wasn’t even close, as he pulled numbers out of his fat ass.
Congress has appropriated approx $42 Billion, but PR has rec’d about $14 billion.
A YUUUUGE difference $92 Bil vs $14 Bil, as the Liar in Chief continues his onslaught on FACTS of all kinds.
And why not?
His faithful sheep swallow his crap and ask for more, which his shovels to them in massive amounts, on his State TV, FOXLies, where Pubs go to hear what they WANT to hear, rather than reality.

Same old shit, from Fat Donny. Just lie your ass off, cuz the sheep don’t know or care.

Trump tweeted that “Congress foolishly gave 92 Billion Dollars” to Puerto Rico. NBC News’ Jane Timm fact-checked the president's statement, explaining that Congress had allocated only $42.5 billion and the island has so far received only a fraction of that:


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