Can you imagine, trusting the Democratic Party to give unbiased ‘news’ on day to day events?

Of course not!
BUT, the gullible sheep get their ‘news’ from the sham ‘news’ company set up by Roger Ailes, the Chief Repub Political Strategist.
And these gullible morons see ‘No Problem’ getting their ‘news’ from a clown crew that will shovel exactly what they WANT to hear, instead of reality.

The hypocrisy is off the chart, but these morons(R), with their heads deep in their asses, think.’Wow, good thing I’m informed’, as they watch a network with ONE overriding agenda.

Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, Now go vote, you gullible sheep.

How do you rightwingnuts even BREATHE, with your heads so deeply and firmly implanted?


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