Dotard just noticed, FOX is giving some non-Repubs an honest podium on FOX, and Dotard is freaking out, cuz his, State Media veered a little bit away from their agenda of, Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, now go VOTE, Repub.

R U shittin’ me?
Bullshit Mountain gives a Dem some honey reporting and the Liar in CHief can’t handle it, cuz he has always seen the clowns catapult the roger Ailes directive of ‘F**k the Dems, no matter what it takes.
President Donald Trump sent Fox News a message Wednesday that he would not tolerate watching hosts on his favorite TV network go easy on Democrats.
The president threw a tantrum on Twitter after Fox News anchor Sandra Smith hosted Democratic National Committee communications director Xochitl Hinojosa to discuss ― amicably ― the 2020 Democratic presidential debates.
WTF is wrong with the Liar in Chief and the morons who support him, when a ‘news’ network DARES to tell the truth?
The gullible, clueless minions, led by Fat Donny, the Liar in Chief freak out, unable to handle the truth.
WTF is WRONG with these people? Oh yeah, FOXLies...
Never mind. Let me know when a Dem candidate freaks out when someone tells the truth, like Dotard always does, cuz ‘he can’t handle the truth’, like his ignorant minions.
F**k Dotard, the Russian backed, incompetent conman and the gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on.


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