The clowns at FOX are bitchin’ cu the ‘younger generation’ doesn’t value patriotism and religion as highly as the FOXNews sheep. Duh, who da thunk?

I lived through the God and Country era when the govt drafted us to go fight their bullshit war in Viet Nam and the young people today remember Repub hypocrites, and their preachers, supporting GW and The Dick with their bullshit war in Iraq, based on Repub LIES.

Now, we have the Russian backed, incompetent ‘Christian’ Pussy Grabbing, LYING conman in the White House and it’s OBVIOUS to anyone with a functioning brain how that’s working out.

And you clowns at Bullshit Mountain are ‘shocked’ cuz the younger generation says ‘screw you’ to your hypocritical, self serving programs.

Just look at any chart/graph and guess what the trend for the future is.
Modern education vs the Pub anti-science program?

Wow, I wonder who’s gonna win, after the Repub, anti-science, religious, old white guy generation dies off?

Millennials care less about patriotism and religion than previous generations, study says


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