Dotard took some crap, from MANY at the G-&, about missing the Climate Change meeting,

SOOO, the LYING piece of crap just made up more LIES, and skipped out, not repeating his oft-repeated line, that Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax.
The Liar in Chief first said he had meetings with the heads of Germany and India, then when it was pointed out they were at the meeting, the LIAR said he thought the meeting was ‘later in the day’.
The a-hole just spews LIES, in front of the world, like he thinks they’re ALL as gullible as the clueless sheep who swallow Bullshit Mountain crap.
Like Dotard.

Trump seemed to think -- or at least said -- that the climate change meeting was later in the day and that he hadn't missed it at all. From the pool report:
"Asked if he attended the climate session, Potus says 'we're having it in a little while.' He didn't appear to hear when a reporter told him it just happened." This was after he said that he had meetings with Germany and India, who were at the climate change session.


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