China has the world’s largest population Nd the world’s largest ‘market’, SOOO, what has Dotard’s done?

The stupid, RUssian backed  jerk(R) has WRECKED that market, for US farmers and businesses, BUT, the Fat F**k has plan... He’s ORDERING US businesses to ‘find new markets’ FAST, before he’s voted out!

Trump orders U.S. companies to find an alternative to China

The tweets captured the president's frustration as his escalating trade war with China heightens the risk of a recession in an election year.

BUT, he claims the current economic problems on the Fed, NOT, his ‘easy to win’ trade war.

Never fear though, our ‘Brilliant’ leader, the ‘Chosen One’, in his words, has a plan....

“I will work 'brilliantly' with both, and the U.S. will do great," Trump tweeted.

Wow, I’d love to meet Fat Donny in a dark alley , or a well lighted ring, some time.....


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