David Koch, the ‘Dean of Dark Money’ has died.

One of the richest men in America, whose family built their wealth on oil refineries, started the practice of funneling YUUUUUGE amounts of cash to politicians(R) to get laws and policies that would benefit their business, which made BILLIONS from America’s dependence on oil
His cash bought softer rules, or NO rules on water and air pollution by putting politicians(R) in the pockets of the Koch brothers.
Others, like the NRA, learned how profitable it could be, and Romney’s ‘Corporations are people’ epitomized their corporate greed and influence, after ‘Dark Money’ or untraceable cash with No Limits on amounts became the Republicans best friend.
Never mind, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, as Pubs lament his passing, BUT, he has a brother and many disciples SO their pockets should remain well greased, from Big Oil....


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