There is a YUUUGE difference between Dems and Pubs, (see the Liar in Chief (R), but one of the MAIN is the fact that the Pubs basically say, F**K the future, give me the cash’.

It;s exactly the reason they deny science that is SO obvious, as in Climate Change, as Fat Donny removing the US from the Paris accord, so Big Oil can make bigger profits, just like the asshole(R) is selling out America’s ‘wild lands’ so Big Oil can take over public lands, as the Pubs ‘monetize’ the present, as in YUUUUGE campaign contributions from Big Oil.
The same greedy assholes(R) who get YUUUGE money from the NRA, and want an assault rifle in the hand of every whack job who can pay the price (which goes as NRA bribes), no matter that MOST Americans, (Dems and Pubs), by far, want them banned.
AND, Dotard just met with Wayne LaPierre, head cheek writer of the NRA, and is going against 90% of Americans who want universal background checks.
AGAIN, the Pubs will trade the future of shooting victims, for immediate cash.

Screw Dotard, and the ignorant, gullible sheep who elect the greedy bastards(R) who take cash and screw the planet and the people who live here.

If you(R) can’t see it, try removing your head from DEEP in your ass.


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