Wow, I’m shocked. Dotard doesn’t have a clue when it comes to international negotiations, as he screws up one deal after another, and his ego gets in the way of what’s good for the country.

President Donald Trump says his belligerent, winner-takes-all negotiating tactics have “done well” for him over the years. But trade insiders say his aggressive moves with China are botching his chances for any long-term trade deal.
It may have worked for his life as a New York businessman, but he has yet to conclude a deal that has significant gains for the United States,” said Jeff Moon, who was the top career-level China official at the U.S. Trade Representative’s office until just before the start of the Trump administration.
“Trump’s goals are to win, but he lacks any underlying values or long-term strategy,” Moon added.
Trump’s campaign of maximum pressure has manifested in a tit-for-tat tariff war with China that has left global markets reeling.
Thanks again, gullible sheep, for putting the Russian backed, incompetent, LYING, NYC con man in the White House.


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