Sometimes you can learn a lot from a sentence or two. John Deere’s profits are down 28%,

BUT, that would be a lot worse if not for sales to Brazil and Argentina, where China has turned to make up for the agricultural products from the US.

Think about it. It’s something even you gullible rightwingnuts oughta be able to comprehend.
China, or Jina, as the dipshit in the White House likes to call them, is the LARGEST, most populous market in the world, and Dotard has driven/is driving them away. AND, they may not be coming back, as they establish new markets, in South America and elsewhere.

This, because the Liar in Chief dropped out of TPP and started a trade war (good, and easy to win, according to that whack job) and is doing tit for tat tariffs, which nearly ALL, (well over 90%), of economists say are just plain wrong, and counterproductive.

BUT, Dotard has Peter Navarro, as incompetent and unqualified as Fat Donny himself, helping to make US policy.

The ‘Art of the Deal’ (which he didn’t even write) asshole, who lost BILLIONS and had several bankruptcies during that time, is running US economic policy from his (YUUUUGE) gut and screwing up the entire WORLD economy while he does it.

I could write MUCH more about his idiotic reign of error, but WHY?
If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, with your head burins deep in your ass, just accepting the damage the asshole is doing to life as we know it, cuz he has (R) after his name.


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