CBS News Sunday Morning show,

was interesting today, with their main piece on Legal Marijuana in Colorado. Basically, they said that nearly 6 months into it, the 'bad things' that many people were warning about HAVEN'T happened. Gov John Hickenlooper, who was against legalization, was interviewed and said he has changed his mind and is happy to try and set the rules that the rest of the nation may someday follow. AND, it's nice to know that there's lots of research going on, to find the actual medical benefits, rather than demonizing it like Nixon and the Pubs have done as they defined it as a 'Schedule 1' narcotic, like meth and heroin, spent billions and imprisoned millions, in their 'Conservative War' against a naturally growing plant that been used as medicine for centuries, with the only winners being Mexican drug cartels. Typical Repub bullshit, that started in the 60's, when my generation didn't want to kill and/or be killed in the Pub war in Viet Nam. SO, they declared war on us.


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