Good for Nancy,

as it looks like she is also a reader of my blog, cuz she's saying the same thing I've been writing about, regarding the VA problems.

Pelosi took a shot at Bush while saying that the scandal is a high priority for Obama. "He sees the ramifications of some seeds that were sown a long time ago, when you have two wars over a long period of time and many, many more, millions more veterans," she told reporters during her Thursday press briefing.

'Off the books' wars, based on lies, costing trillions, and adding millions more to hospitals, already filled with Viet Nam vets, the products of another Repub disaster. Thanks again, George, Dick, Rummy and the Pub 'Chicken Hawks', whose 'Defense' contractor buddies make a killing, while the soldiers and taxpayers pay the price. The Pubs should be SO proud, as others always have to clean up their messes...


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