Mr Colbert, another Steve

who likes to make fun of the clowns on Bullshit Mountain, (cuz it's SO easy), had a good piece last night, mocking 'The Five', a bunch of clueless clowns on FOX. Eric Bolling, who can look SO sincere while he spews the kind of crap the sheep love to hear, was the star in another great moment in Fox News' ongoing Benghazi crusade.

When "The Five" host Eric Bolling made the point that the Benghazi tragedy occurred before Bin Laden was taken down, co-host Dana Perino was forced to point out that he was wrong, but it was a "GREAT point, if it were true," was her thoughtful observation.

Wow, one of the clowns actually disagreed with the BS? Strange, but true. Yup, Stephen Colbert and me, two peas in a pod. The only difference? He's moving on to replace David Letterman and make tens of millions per year. I just hope he doesn't stop doing what made him so famous and funnny, pointing out the absurdity of the Repub/FOX (one and the same) policies, as they struggle to return to 'the scene of the crime'.


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