Even the idiots at FOX and the Pub party,

(one and the same), oughta understand you don't make ALL the emails involved with Benghazi available to the public. There are many 'undercover' agents and locals who cooperate(d) with the US, in that furtive part of the world. This would be a death sentence for the informants/spies that are in place. It should be obvious, but it didn't bother the Pubs when they 'outed' Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA agent, and exposed her covert connections, just cuz her husband told the truth about Saddam's imaginary WMD's. Who cares about people's lives if the Pubs can 'make some political hay?' Same old crap from the party that had no problem with the Iraq war, based on lies, but are SHOCKED about the deaths of 4 Americans after they cut embassy security. Now they want to put a bunch more lives at risk for their twisted agenda. Just another distraction as the Pubs try to make Hillary look bad, parading the Monica Lewinsky affair, in another of their lame attempts to regain power.


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