There's a whole lotta difference

between Dems and Pubs, but not many are SO obvious, and can be proven, like climate change. I'm claiming the Pubs are (provable) idiots, cuz they deny global warmimg, or climate change, (with ALL the evidence) while they listen to the idiots from FOXNews, who have an obvious agenda, as they are OWNED by big business, and  think there might be some kind of 'regulations', that could hurt the profit margins of the huge corporations who spew the massive amounts of CO2 that warm our planet. Who can't see what is SO obvious? Oh yeah, the FOX sheep, who don't have a clue. Bottom line, it is too late to do anything about it, but that doesn't mean we can't acknowledge the obvious. The sheep, (FOX and the Pubs),just refuse to admit what anyone can see, for whatever reason. Nothing new here, BUT, when did willful ignorance become a 'badge of courage'?


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