File it under, 'What Else is New?",

as FOX continues the propaganda, years later. Their headlines says the 'war hero' who 'rescued' Jessica Lynch just died. BUT, if they'd read Jessica's book she admits that she was well taken care of by the Iraqi's, after she was injured when her vehicle wrecked in the darkness during GW's invasion of Iraq, based on lies. The entire story of her, 'fighting till she ran out of ammo, then being captured and abused, and later "rescued"', was all bullshit, from the Bushies who were trying to whip up public support for their illegal war. Her 'rescue' came after the Iraqi doctors told the invaders to 'come and pick her up'. It's all in her book, and in her interviews after she was 'rescued'. Same old bullshit, from Bullshit Mountain.


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