Yahoo, my blog is making a difference!

From today's headlines;
Fox News' ratings took a hit in the key demo for the month of May.
The network drew 264,000 viewers ages 25-54 during primetime — the lowest it has had in over 12 years, since August 2001. Its entire primetime lineup — hosted by Greta Van Susteren, Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly and Sean Hannity — hit 12-year lows in the demographic.

264,000 in a country of 300 million? Listening to the sheep, you'd think viewership was about 160,000,000, instead of 264,000, which is approx 1/10 of 1% of the population. AND, I bet a lot of those viewers are people like me, who look at it and say. 'Who can believe this crap?' The really sad thing? I know people (naive?, gullible?, willfully ignorant?, stupid?) who actually believe the propaganda from Murdoch/Ailes.

The good news is the FOX audience of old, white, conservative bigots is going the way of the dinosaurs. Wow, who da thunk?


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