In the fantasy world of FOX news(?),

they found out that in certain areas China's economy is set to surpass the US. Could this possibly be because Bush and his crew totally wrecked our economy with the worst recessions since the Great Depression and the Pubs have been fighting every effort to fix it? NO, according to the clowns, it's all because of Obama, (according to FOX) who's put a 'jinx' upon America. (Maybe cuz he's black?)
According to the FOXHoles, it's cuz Obama has focused on green energy (BUT, they fail to notice the US has the highest energy production EVER and is now energy dependent). I was gonna refute the ridiculous article and then thought WHY? The sheep don't have the IQ to understand and if they can't remember 2008 and the HUGE mess after 8 years of Bush and the Pubs, why bother to repond to idiots. It just gives them legitimacy.
In other FOX headlines. 'Being Black and Gay is Not the Same Thing'. Wow, those clowns are SMART, and are trying to educate the sheep, who don't have a clue.....


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