The other day, I almost

put away the snowblower for the year, and now I'm glad I didn't. They're saying this could be a record May snowstorm for this area, depending on when the rain changes over to snow. Well, it changed much earlier than they thought, and as of about 11 AM, it's been snowing for a couple hours and is expected to keep snowing for at least the next 24 hours. Could really break some tree branches, which could take down electric lines, and the forecast low of 23 is gonna wreck our apple blossoms as well as kill lots of leaves and new plants. Part of the 'climate change' that the FOX sheep swear is just a Liberal plot. The last year has brought us record droughts, record fires, record floods and now it looks like record snow. Yup, Bullshit Mountain can spot a hoax when they see one, BUT the sheep just MIGHT be wondering if this is all a coincidence. Nah, they're sheep, and sheep don't think, they believe what Murdoch/Ailes TELL them to believe. Nothing new here, as 'All Science Is Wrong, Concludes Esteemed Fox News Panel'. (actual headline). And you wonder why the average FOX viewer 'isn't too bright?' (and PROUD of it).


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