Good article in AOL today, about climate change

and the Repub dogma associated with it. It's about how they can ignore 97% of climatologists, cuz that's what the Party Line (of ignorance) requires. No matter HOW MUCH information supports the issue, they won't admit they're wrong, cuz no one likes to do that. They do the same with inflation, (as I've noted here, many times). From AOL today:
"To see how it works, consider a topic I know well: the recent history of inflation scares.
More than five years have passed since many conservatives started warning that the Federal Reserve, by taking action to contain the financial crisis and boost the economy, was setting the stage for runaway inflation. And, to be fair, that wasn’t a crazy position to take in 2009; I could have told you it was wrong (and, in fact, I did), but you could see where it was coming from.
Over time, however, as the promised inflation kept failing to arrive, there should have come a point when the inflationistas conceded their error and moved on. In fact, however, few did. Instead, they mostly doubled down on their predictions of doom."
Now, five years later, DEflation is a bigger problem for the economy, BUT, does that force the Repub numbnuts to admit they've been wrong? OF COURSE NOT. Just like climate change, they're locked into their dogma, and no amount of facts and information is gonna make 'em admit they're wrong. Same old shit from the same old bullshitters. FOX continues to shovel the swill, and the sheep  continue to believe. It's who they are. As I've said before, when did willful ignorance become a badge of courage?
 PS: There IS food inflation, cuz nearly everything is realted to corn prices, which the Pubs have pushed off the chart, with their stupid Ethanol, which takes more energy to produce than it yields, and because of drought, which is related to climate change, which they continue to deny. True 'jeniuses'.


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