If I was in charge of the Dems

I have no idea what I'd do, when it comes to the 'Special' committee (lynch mob), put together by the Repub brain trust, to lynch Hillary. There have already been THIRTEEN investigations, with tens of thousands of pages of testimony, the questions have all been 'asked and answered', and the vast majority of the public, according to all polls, 'just doesn't care'. These facts don't matter as the pubs have their pitchforks, torches, pile of firewood and a post is ready for a witch burning. Do the Dems just ignore them and tell 'em to go f*ck themselves, as I would do, OR do they try to have some input as the idiots act like it is SO much worse than their war, based on obvious lies, costing trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, with which they have NO PROBLEM?


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