As I've been saying FOREVER,
in spite of what FOX and the Pubs (one and the same) say, and want the sheep to believe, Red States are much more dependent on govt handouts than Blue States, who actually pay the bills. This article, today, by the non-partisan WalletHub, explains it well.
Republican-leaning states are a lot more dependent on the federal government than Democratic-leaning ones.That's according to a recent analysis from the personal finance site WalletHub, which ranked states based on how much they rely on Uncle Sam to support their state finances. To calculate states' dependence, WalletHub analyzed how much a state gets in federal funding per every dollar it pays in federal income taxes and the percentage of state funding that comes from the federal government.
Bottom line, FOX/Pubs love to bitch about Lib 'freeloaders', when just the opposite is true, cuz better education=higher income.
Read it all here.